Category Archives: Administrivia

Business Card

I finally got around to making a new business card, pretty much based around the design of my portfolio website.

I went to Kinkos to have a few printed just in case I need to hand some out, and before I get them printed for cheap online. The print guy messed up and it didn’t print in the right color space (I had the .psd file set to CMYK). And they didn’t center the back of the card correctly so the top white border is off-set from center. Other than that I think they’re alright and think my choice of photos for the back is just okay too. I have a feeling I’m going to get sick of the design pretty soon, but that means that I’ll end up having to update my website in addition to a new business card.

I Own Some Webspace!

This page is step three in my plan for world domination. Here’s a timeline to catch you guys up:

  • c2001-2005: I got bit by the web-logging bug. I used Xanga and some other shitty website that spammed all my followers. I would rattle off semi-interesting things that happened in my late-high school and early-college life. I made a list of “funny” quotes and inside jokes for my friends. I updated sporadically and would go through phases of neglecting to post if at all. I grew up, figured out no one gave a shit, and moved on.
  • 2006: I finally bought a digital SLR after wanting to try photography through high school. Thanks, Motorola!
  • 2007: I started blogging about music I like, with a witty anecdote here or there, but that never really caught on. I began shooting more often and honing some semblance of skill. I registered to pave the future of the internets.
  • 2008: I started working for the Daily Illini, and I began blogging about all my photo escapades. I began using twitter to post random links and blurbs about the mundane stuff going on around me instead of drolling on in a “real” blog for paragraphs at a time.
  • 2009: I bought my own webspace! Yay!
  • 2012: The mayans were right, except after the world ends we all are reincarnated as autobots and decepticons on planet cybertron.
I plan on increasing my photo sizes thanks to the flexibility that being able to edit templates gives me. I’ll probably go with 800×533. That’s 23% larger than before! :)
Anyway, thanks for looking, reading, and continuing to visit. I’ll try to pretty-up the place real soon.
Warmest regards,